Saturday, 12 November 2011

An Easy Approach To Write A Hate Letter

You know how they say at times that some things are not rocket science in life, just like that writing a hate letter is no rocket science at all. All it takes is a pissed off person with a hefty load of anger & frustration that just cannot wait to be vented out "sugar coated" with a lot of mean things to say to someone. Hate mail & hate poems not only allow a person to let lose all the fury accumulated inside of you against someone but also lets you place the blame for any particular act or words on the other person.

Likewise, and also on a very frequent note, we get to hear the ‘B' word from guys many a times when we hear them complaining about their women. It would not come as a surprise if you hear a guy quoting something that sounds like,

"Life is a bitch, and then you marry another one".

Clearly these are the sentiments of a very, very enraged and resentful guy. This is when you would feel very compelled to tell yourself, "I want to send hate mail to a bitchy friend!"

Giving a Dose of Your Own Meanness

Of course it does not take a genius to figure out that hate letters to mean people are (in all likeliness) well deserved for something that person either did or say in either public or in the privacy of your seclusion with one another.

But, taking a look at the flip side of the coin, think of it this way; a person inking hate love letters not only shows that he or she is incapable of confronting a situation in person but is also emotionally so immature that he or she would rather resort to filling page after page with spiteful words, and waste their precious time & energy towards something more constructive, productive & positive rather than try to ease the tension that prevails in the relationship at that particular interval in time.

However, for those of my beloved readers who at times find it a challenge on how to write a hate letter, here a few tips on writing hate letters you might find useful in those moments of infuriated loneliness.

How to Write a Hate Letter to Your ExDo Not Procrastinate, Just Do It!

Don't think about it! The whole point of you being in that messy situation is that you just don't care about anyone or anything right then. All you know is that you have been wronged; your rights as an individual have been violated and someone ought to be held responsible for it. So, keeping it real & simple, just start writing; don't care about the spellings, don't care what the writing looks like, don't care about nothing; just let the emotions flow like an ice cube on a pool of spilt vodka.

Give the Nastiness Inside You Some Words

Honestly, you want to be alone & just by yourself when inking this genius piece of scripture filled with the most brilliant & intelligent blend of vulgarity, hate & resentment

Begin on a Paper

Don't make no excuses for delays; just because your sis is using the laptop, don't wait around for it to become available once again. Instead, grab a pen & paper and smear that clean white sheet with your load-full of animosity & abhorrent emotions.

But you know what, as human beings, it is very natural for us to feel upset over & be judgmental about something when it has happened just recently. However, even by looking at our own daily lives, we usually do get over things & incidents. Not to mention that we ourselves end up on the side that is at fault.

Vent Out!

So, while it is your right to vent out that anger, you really do not want your special other to go through it at a later point in time. So go ahead and do write something, but it would be highly advisable to either (preferably) burn it after reading it a few times once you've written it or tuck it away in such a secretive place that even you yourself will forget it after a little while.

And if you are desperately bent upon sharing this uproar of emotions with the other person; firstly, think about it with a cool mind (possibly after taking a few sips of booze on the rocks), be empathetic & put yourself in the other person's shoes, and maybe instead of sending the original inscription to your beloved, just ask him or her for some time when you guys can be alone and talk things over.

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Friday, 11 November 2011

Signs Of a Relationship Break Up, Dont Be Caught By Surprise

What are the clues of a potential relationship break up? Can it be you are concerned your relationship is about to come to an end? To prevent being blindsided by this, you must learn what types of break up signs you would be looking for.

All break ups cause pain but being blindsided by it, not recognizing it was coming, can be significantly worse. If you can nevertheless see it coming, your break up can be much less distressing because you have prepared yourself mentally. Yes there are signs that show all is not well and if you keep your eyes and ears open you may catch them.

Something to keep in mind is that we as humans can lie to ourselves. We do not want to see or hear the bad and turn a blind eye towards it to avoid the pain. We are inevitably hurting ourselves in the long run doing this and ignoring the facts.

If you can see things clearly you can catch these clues and have a chance to change the path your relationship may be headed. Below are some signs to be on the lookout for to help prevent a relationship break up.

Is your partner spending less time with you? If it looks like they have more important things to do than be with you, this could be a sign. Of course make sure that there could be a legitament reason for this like having to extra hours or they are just going through some personnel issues.

If you are unable to find a reasonable excuse for their behavior then you may want to sit down with them to discuss what may be going on. Do not accuse them of anything; just ask what the problem may be.

If they are just having some personnel problems or something similar you may make matters worse if you accuse them before finding out the reasons. Be calm and rational without being defensive. Let them explain it in their own way without pressuring them.

Maybe you have noticed your partner needs more privacy. So they leave the room when they get a call on their cell phone? Maybe they use their lap top in another room when they used to use it sitting next to you. They could be hiding a phone call from you or emailing someone they do not want you to know about. You can ask them why they are now doing this.

If they tell you nothing is going on, this will still indicate that their behavior has changed because they cannot or will not give you a legitimate reason. Still, you must give them the benefit of the doubt till you have proof something is amiss or you risk looking stupid for accusing
them of something.

How is your sexual relationship with your partner? A sign they could have found someone else is a lack of interest in sex with you now. They may be more focused on this other person. Of course they could just be over worked or depressed and sex is not a priority now as it may have once been.

These are but a few signs you could encounter. Many signs are easy to spot and others are not so. Of course if you spot anything and want to save your relationship you had better get to work at it.

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Thursday, 10 November 2011

Does Your Ex Ignore Your Phone Calls? After You Use These Tricks Your Ex Won't Dare to Ignore You!

Do you want to stop a breakup? Have you and your lover broken up already, but you want to get your ex back? Do you feel lost and need some real tricks to get your partner back into your life? If you have answered yes to any of those, but you can't ever seem to get your ex to return your phone calls or talk to you, then these tricks will help you to pull your ex back super fast...

Step #1: Don't give your ex that much attention- Really, he/she doesn't deserve it just yet! Now, I say this, because any attention you give your ex now will only BACKFIRE! Yes, that's right! The reason for this is because he/she will end up taking you for granted. You will then be putting your ex on a pedestal, unknowingly, which means that any attempt you actually make to get your ex back will fail. Therefore give some space, and actually don't even dare be afraid to even ignore your ex.

Step #2: Send your ex an SMS after some time- After you have given your ex the needed space, send your ex an SMS. The reason you should send an SMS, versus meeting in real life or calling your ex, is because he/she will actually read it. Whereas, if you were to call they could ignroe you, or simply turn there phone off. So, send this message:

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that you were right about the break up. It has really made a huge difference in my life now, and I am doing a lot of things now that I never would have done otherwise. So many exciting things, and guess what"

When you end the text off abruptly, by saying "...and guess what", this will instantly pull your ex in to find out exactly what it is that you wanted to say. He/she will not be able to resist their curiosity now, and will be calling you back shortly.

Warning: Your Ex Is Very Near To Having Sex With Someone Else Soon... If you do not take action now, your ex will be lost forever to someone else! I am about to share with you the secret way to get your ex crawling back to you instantly; no matter how bad the situation is. No more ignoring, no more games; from this point on your life will never be the same.

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Wednesday, 9 November 2011

What Is She Up To? Why You Have to Stop Wondering What Your Ex Girlfriend Is Doing

One of the worst things that can happen to someone after a break up is becoming obsessive about the other person. And you know what? It's one of the easiest traps to fall into. Your mind works in funny ways sometimes, and when you feel like you are missing someone, it will make you think about them again and again. You can take some steps to stop that, though.

Here's why you do not want to think about your ex girlfriend too much:

1) Obsession is good as a cologne, horrible as a personality trait.

The only time that you should be smelling of obsession is when you are wearing the cologne, and even then you should not smell too strong of it. Seriously, though, as a personality trait... it is one of least attractive ones that you can have. And if it is obsession about another person, that's the worst kind of obsession to be guilty of. No one uses the term, stalker, as a compliment, do they? Yet, they will turn that exact phrase when they think that you are thinking about them too much.

2) Too much thinking about anything can drive you bonkers.

Have you ever been stressed out about something and that was all that you could think about before? Of course, we all have. And have you ever noticed that you rarely come up with any good solutions in that frame of mind? The best thing that you can do sometimes is take a mental vacation from your problems, and thinking about your ex girlfriend and wondering what it is that she is up to is one of the best reasons to take a mental break for a while.

3) The more attention that you give to the break up, the worse you are going to feel about it.

When you put too much attention on the thing that hurts, what does that do? It makes it hurt even more, right? Well, that is exactly what you are doing when you are giving the break up too much attention. Just like a doctor tells a kid to think about something fun before they get a shot, you need to think about good stuff if you want to get her back. Thinking about the break up is just adding to your misery and making things worse than it has to be. Why do that to yourself?

The BEST thing that you can do is to learn a strategy that works to get your ex girlfriend back. You know how good it feels when you finally get a solution to a problem that you have been having. Get a proven strategy to get your ex girlfriend back and you can get that same feeling, knowing that you will end up back with her.

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Tuesday, 8 November 2011

How To Get Him Back After Dumping Him

If he had dumped you then it would be hard enough to figure out how to get him back, but when you dumped him and it was your fault, then it could be devastating. That was the problem that Lyndsey faced when she wanted to get her man back.

Lyndsey had picked up on some gossip going around that her boyfriend, Dave, had been cheating on her. She was angry and upset, and without even checking out the gossip, she accused Dave of being unfaithful. Dave was stunned. He didn't know about the rumor, (which had been girl talk), and Lyndsey didn't really give him a chance to put her straight. She just told him it was over and dumped him.

Only a short time after, Lyndsey discoverd that the gossip had been started maliciously and was completely untrue. Lyndsey was really devastated that she had believed the lies about Dave, and wanted to find out how to get him back. She was also embarrassed by being made a fool of, and wanted to put things back to how they should be.

She rang Dave and tried to explain what had been going on. Dave, naturally, was not feeling very forgiving. He had been hurt by Lyndsey's lack of trust, and the fact that they hadn't been able to talk it through. Lyndsey was going to have a struggle to make him come back after dumping him. Lyndsey had to know how to win him back.
Straight away she wrote him apologizing for what she had done. She explained that it was all her fault, and that she would never be taken in again. She would always trust him in future. She told him how she would miss him, and that she didn't want to lose all the good times and loving experiences they had together. She was devastated that she had put all of that in jeopardy. She explained that she had done it out of love, because she hadn't been able to bear the idea of him being with someone else. Now she was tortured by knowing that she could have lost him forever.

She sent the letter, realizing that she had now done all she could. She didn't follow up with calls and texts, because she knew that he would now need time to think about what she was trying to say to him. Lyndsey knew that Dave would need space. Any time she bumped into Dave, she was calm and gentle. She tried to use small talk to remind him of the good times they had.together. She didn't go over the content of the letter with him. She had let him know how she felt, and she didn't want to have to keep apologizing.

A while later, Lyndsey managed to get some tickets for a concert that she knew Dave would want to go to. She invited him along as a friend, no strings attached. She felt that this was a way to show him that she wanted him back, but didn't want to force him into anything.

Knowing how to get him back after you have dumped him can be a big problem. You have really killed the relationship, and you have to start again from the beginning by apologizing and re-laying the foundations of trust. Trust has been broken and it is crucial to you both that it be rebuilt. Fortunately, Dave did want to restart the relationship, and came back to Lyndsey. He realized that Lyndsey had acted out of misplaced jealousy, and that she really did love him. She had made an error but it formed a basis for building their future. They both now realized that they needed to communicate better and talk things through. They came away with a stronger relationship, because Lyndsey had discovered how to get him back after dumping him. 

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Monday, 7 November 2011

How to Get Back Your Long Distance Ex Girlfriend, Don't Let a Few Miles Stop You

You were having a long distance relationship and although there were some hard times, overall, you were just happy that you had found someone that you can be with even if it was a long distance relationship. Then, you started to get the impression that maybe she was not as happy with the situation that the two of you were in. Still, you had some hope that you would be able to work through it, especially since you were already trying to make things work long distance. Now, you are left to wonder, is there any way that you can win back your long distance ex girlfriend?

You Can't Let a Few Miles Stop You...

I am not going to lie. The distance thing does make it a little bit harder. Some people have a pretty hard stance on whether or not they will do a long distance romance. One thing that you have going for you, is that you know a part of her is open to that idea, because she was doing it. So, even though it may be a little bit harder than other situations, it certainly is not impossible.

One thing that you cannot do is to allow a few miles to get in the way of what you want. If you really feel a strong attraction for this woman, then you need to put a little elbow grease into it and find a way to win her back. You do have this working out for you. Since she is kind of far away from you, you really don't have to worry about running into her and saying something that you will later regret.

The Phone Is Not Your Friend - But It Can Be...

Your main line of communication with a long distance romance is the phone. Well, that and the computer, but they are very similar. Your phone is not your friend if you find yourself picking it up every 5 minutes and thinking about dialing her up just to hear her voice. It can be your friend if you strategically use it as a way to lead her into thinking about you.

A well timed, short text message here and there can work wonders to keep you on her mind, make her smile, and think about what it would be like to be back in a relationship with you. When you send her a text message, make it mean something. Give her a little taste of attention and then go about your business. Chances are, you will be able to catch her in a moment when she is thinking about you. And that well timed text message may be enough to make her smile as she thinks about calling you up.

From there, you can easily incorporate a few more methods to make her feel attracted to you. When you have stacked up enough attraction factors... then you can be sure that she will be open to the idea of working things out with you.

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Sunday, 6 November 2011

Cooking up a Little Love, Is His Stomach Really the Way to His Heart?

You've probably heard by now, more than once, that the stomach is the way to a man's heart. Now, it's not something your mother is telling you to try to force you to learn to cook. There is some real truth in the statement.

You see, there's a little bit of genetic programming at work in this that dates back to the days of old when humans were nomads with a hunter – gatherer family dynamic. The modern age may be more about communities but the genetic programming remains (though it's more obvious in some people than others these days).

The bottom line is that while women are usually looking for men they deem to be strong enough to protect and provide for their families, men are looking for women who can have families and feed those families. The ability to cook plays a vital role in feeding the family – even today.

The funny thing is that most men don't even realize that's what's going on when they are looking for their "soul mates".

Now, we know that the modern lady isn't all about spending a lot of time in the kitchen. She's just busier than ever before with the responsibility of work, family, and community. She has little time or energy left over to devote to things like preparing complicated meals.

The good news is that you don't have cook fancy meals that take hours of planning and preparation. Here are a few simple tips so you can score major points on the stomach front without spending endless hours in the kitchen to do it.

Use Shortcuts

Most grocers today offer vegetables that have been "pre cut" for easier meal preparation. Chopping, slicing, and dicing takes a lot of time and can take your attention away from other important details in the kitchen. Buy pre-sliced fresh veggies to save time and energy when cooking for your man.

Plan Ahead

Know exactly what you're going to make and have all the ingredients on hand and ready to go. That way you won't have to worry about forgetting an important ingredient, or the store being out, and needing to change your dinner plans at the last minute.

Keep it Simple

You might think that complicated meals are going to score major points with the man you're interested in but the truth of the matter is that most men prefer food that is as uncomplicated as it can be. Think about it. Some of the most common foods associated with men are hot wings, pizza, bratwurst, and philly cheese-steak sandwiches. These are all uncomplicated and straightforward meals.

Consider taking a Class

If you're really worried about your culinary skills, or lack thereof, most communities offer some sort of basic cooking classes you might want to consider investing in. Check with the local county extension office to learn more if that's something you'd be interested in. If you're more interested in gourmet cooking classes you can try local whole foods or gourmet kitchen product stores as many of them will offer classes as well.

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